
刘庆超, 薛德富, 王奎玲, 刘庆华*
青岛农业大学园林园艺学院, 山东青岛266109

通信作者:刘庆华;E-mail: lqh6205@163.com;Tel: 0532-86080498

摘 要:

收稿:2010-10-18   修定:2010-10-25

资助:山东省良种工程项目(鲁科农字[2007]217 号)

Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Geranium tsingtauense Yabe.

LIU Qing-Chao, XUE De-Fu, WANG Kui-Ling, LIU Qing-Hua*
Department of Landscape Architecture and Horticultrue, Qingdao Agricultural University, Qingdao, Shandong 266109, China

Corresponding author: LIU Qing-Hua; E-mail: lqh6205@163.com; Tel: 0532-86080498


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